510 W Hemlock, Bozeman, MT 59715


MLS® ID: 397876
Type: CommercialLease

S 1819 22nd Avenue
Bozeman, MT


6545 SQFT

6,545 square feet located on the Southside of Bozeman near Montana State University. Excellent parking for this one level space which has large bathrooms, a shower room, a very usable break room, and 5 nice office/conference rooms. Much of the space is open, but with easy access to both the crawl and attic spaces it should be simple to add more individual offices or with the current configuration and all of the new adjacent housing, this would make an excellent fitness-oriented space. The space could be split into two with approximately 3,000 rsf and 3,600 rsf - see exhibit A in supplement for potential division. Brokers have an ownership interest in the property. Owners willing to sell the condo if ownership is your client's preference - see MLS listing 399134.

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Zip 59718

SQFT 6545

Property Type CommercialLease

Lot Size

Levels One
Office Name 360 Commercial Management

Year Built N/A

Subdivision N/A

Area Bozeman City Limits

Status Active

Listing Agent: Jason Parks


(Data provided by Gallatin-BigSky-BSC data)

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